Circular growth strategy

A Circular economy is rapidly becoming a new foundation for entire economies. It changes the rules of the game requiring companies to rethink where to steer their business or how to create entirely new business lines.

Circular growth strategy process is about identifying business opportunities based on the fact that the planet is finite and the future growth has to create a positive impact on the environment and people. It is about giving form to something that doesn’t exist yet, finding golden nuggets from a new way of thinking.

As a result you know the company’s strategic positioning, have identified and validated customer-driven circular focus areas and growth ecosystems in the form of solid & winning strategy material.


We create a clear picture of your company’s strengths, resources, business ecosystem, strategic goals and customer needs in a low-carbon circular business environment.

Our process is based on the Business Circularity Tool and co-creation methods; it is a combination of learning, creating, discussing and challenging ourselves to reach beyond the current perspective.

Circular solutions and concepts

Do you want to be a market leader in your sector? The most successful products and services are based on circular design strategies leaving a positive handprint on each step of multiple life cycles.

A circular product requires a supporting system. For example, a shift from a product manufacturer to a service provider requires changes inside and outside the organisation.

As a result you get a circular product/service concept with a business model proposal, circular guidelines and/or a business ecosystem development plan. In case you want to certify your product, we guide you through the Cradle to Cradle Certification process together with EPEA.


We work closely with your R&D, design and customer-interface teams diving deep into your existing product/service or, starting from scratch when you want to create something entirely new.

Our collaborative approach is based on iterating between:

1. Product & service design
2. Business model & system design
3. Customer experience

Circular business development

You are running a business, but want to make sure that you are operating in a sustainable manner? Perhaps you are willing to do more, but not quite sure where to start?

Circular Business Development takes a systematic approach on your business going through the entire value chain from the starting point to the customer experience. We focus a lot on your product/service portfolio development, as the most interesting opportunities for sustainable growth exist there. Equally important it is to map out where savings can be made and ensure potential risks will be avoided.

As a result, you get a concrete plan with selected UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) defined business goals, KPIs and actions aligned with your business strategy. We specialise in inspiring and helping your executive group and staff to commit to these goals, roles and execution.


Together with you we set your ambition level for the future and start backcasting to the present. Through using the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as a framework, we identify your biggest opportunities and risks and push you beyond compliance to become an industry leader.

We work closely with your key people as we think it is important to build your capacity and know-how on sustainability topics.